Monday, July 23, 2012

wel[come} into my world

let me introduce myself: my name is lauren. i'm a late twenty-something spending most of my time in the corporate world. when i'm not creating & examining excel spreadsheets, i'm planning a wedding.

most would think that the wedding planning would spark my obession with all of the details, but sadly, it has been going on for far longer. since I can remember, I have always made a point to think of every little thing when tackling a project, an outfit, a craft, decorating, or telling a story. as I plan my wedding, I have found myself spending so much time on such minor things. some would think that it's a bad thing, but I enjoy exploring the beauty in everything.

this blog is intended to share all of my daily obessions with you, so that you may enjoy them, as well. I also hope to be able to inspire those with my ideas, and maybe help a bride-to-be, a crafter, or just anyone who has the same obsessions as me!

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